Learning Experience Project Narrative

Effective Teaching Styles: 5 Ways To Be A Great Teacher
 For this project I had the opportunity to work with Carlie Patterson and Liliana Mareno. We decided it would be fun to do a lesson including both high school seniors and third graders. We wanted to create a fun and interactive lesson and have a fun approach of how we would teach the third graders about the ocean wildlife and the different depths of the ocean.

We started off by creating the high school presentation which is the planning of the highschoolers and how they would go about teaching the third graders. We also created a lesson plan as to what our goals were and what we wanted each person to obtain from the lesson. We created worksheets for the third graders to learn in a fun way about the ocean. We then proceeded to create a fun lecture for the third graders and presented it in a slideshow. This would include fun facts, audio readings, and other fun things to do with their big buddies. 

We also want to incorporate a fun activity for both the third graders and the highschoolers, this was where we decided that our students would be taking a trip to the aquarium. The big buddies would be paired with a little buddy and they would walk around the aquarium trying to find the wildlife in the worksheet. Our goal was to show students that learning can be fun and can be applied to the real world.

Our goal was to include all three parts of the UDL guidelines. In the green section also known as engagement we incorporated colorful visuals to get students to engage with the material that was being presented. Students were also reminded to be kind and show respect when interacting with others in their own way. In the purple section, also known as the representation section, we wanted to focus on the use of bright colors and bold text two I really emphasize clarity. We also had key elements that were emphasized in our text in bold fonts, with additional information presented in smaller fonts. Finally in the blue section, also known as action and expression we wanted to make it clear that we understood that not all students would be able to physically attend to the aquarium so we provided links to virtual tours that are provided on the aquariums website. We also made our worksheets accessible to those students who would be doing the lesson virtually and to those who would be completing the worksheet in class.

Working with two maxing future teachers was a wonderful experience!